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Daily Schedule



Mrs. Tashia Osoborn

6th grade ELA

Planning period:  6th hour (12:33-1:21)


Below is an  itinerate of our lessons, but they may change.

***Please always check with your student to see the assignment for their homework.



UNIT 2 Out of the Dust 


Spelling:  words 6 times each  due each Wednesday; spelling test on Fridays.

Vocabulary:  words defined due on Tuesday; vocab tests on Fridays

We will read sections of the novel throughout each week.  Test days will vary for the story.   



Parents:  This is super important!  If your son/daughter is going to miss more than 1 day of school, please have them email me so that I can give them their assignments which will allow them to stay caught up with the class.  Even though they are at home, we are still working each day in class, and they are responsible for all work missed.



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